
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Waiting for Wiggle Room

I can't wait until there's a little wiggle room in the budget.  I'm hoping that'll be in the next couple of months.  Cuz I'm itching to tackle some bigger projects.

Things are so tight right now because of several visits from Murphy over the last six months- while we were in the process of paying off our consumer debt.

A little recap of Murphy's visits:

August: Repair Daughter's car: $1200
September:  Repair Daughter's convertible top: $300 (even though Hubby did it himself and saved us$)
October: Oven repair: $200
October: Pool Pump Replacement: $1600
October: New Tires for Daughter's car (Yeah I know not unexpected but we didn't plan for it) $600
November: Repair my Car: $2000 (Ouch!)
December: Hubby got into an accident and we had to pay the deductible: $300
January: Unplanned Trip for Hubby to visit nephew who's being deployed: $450

Total:$6,650! Yikes!
I don't want to see Mr. Murphy for a long time.  He is not welcome here!

Good news is... We managed to pay for all of the above with hard earned cash!  We didn't rack up credit like we may have done in the past.  Instead I budgeted the best I could, we cut way back and faced Mr. Murphy head on.

Sad news is nothing's been saved, no extra dinero for fun projects.  Boo Hoo.
I'm not really complaining.  I'm hoping for a little extra real soon.... :)  It's just around the corner.

Meanwhile I'll tackle some not so fun projects like organizing the pantry...  It has to be done so I'll do it and I'll show you pics later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth! Thank you for stopping by my blog! I am so glad you are following along, and, in fact, doing it yourself. I looked at your list of Murphy Visits, and I could list that many as well! When kids start driving, it can be expensive. I'm trying to build our emergency account and find some money for a vacation. We could have taken a really nice one last year if I didn't have to pay for a wedding! :)!

    I look forward to following all of your successes!!

