
Monday, February 28, 2011

February in Review

Fantastic February!

Now that February is all but gone I thought I'd take a little time to review my progress thus far.  It's only been a month since I've been blogging so here's a quick snapshot (not in any particular order):

1.  Started a blog, faced fear of the unknown, risked vulnerability, learned how to upload photos, how to add a link, how to leave comments on other blogs, and all kinds of other techie stuff that I've been wanting to learn. Woo Hoo!

2.  Stayed on budget- was able to tweak and cut back as necessary since a few unexpected expenses came up.  Did not live beyond my means.  However was not able to save, but I'm hoping to be able to soon.

2.  Remade our existing patio furniture for $35 and a lot of elbow grease

3.  Spray painted the numbers on our house, several planters, a mirror, a picture frame and made a cute little framed chalkboard.

4. Reorganized my pantry, complete with cute little chalkboard labels I made.

5. Recovered our dining room chairs and made slipcovers for the backs.  All  for next to nothing since I had the fabric that I had gotten at a steal at a store that was closing.

6. Kept up my fitness routine of walking 30 minutes a day, eating well and taking my vitamins.

7. Took care of my family: fed them well, cheered them on, loved them lots, spent time with them.

8.  Worked my "regular job" which provides a much needed paycheck.  Gave it my all, did my best, enough said.

9.  Paid attention to things that I'm doing well in addition to areas in which I need to improve.  Tried not to be so hard on myself nor push my self too hard.

10.  Remained open to any promptings of the Holy Spirit and carried a conscious spirit of gratitude regarding my blessings.

In summary I'd like to say that's quite a lot of progress!  Talk about moving forward! No wonder I've been feeling wiped out.  Perhaps I should slow down a bit.  Maybe I'll add that to my next list (I do better at getting things done if I put them on a list- I know what your thinking- seems I like to make a job out of everything I do.  I really need to try to tame my inner overachiever self.)

How about you?  How was your month?  Did you move forward?

With loving thoughts and warm wishes,

Elizabeth at Home


  1. Gosh, thats an impressive list!
    Congrats on a full and successful month, on many fronts.

    I sure could do with some of your overachiever genes, girlfriend!

  2. You had a great month, looking forward to seeing what comes up this month, by the way, what's up with your book. Keep trying to get it published, i read some of it and it was wonderful. Why don't you post a few pages. i am sure your friends would enjoy it.
    Warm wishes.
